Tuesday Talk – 7:00pm 4 May 2021 – Crossrail Update

In Feb 2019 Kevin Roche gave a talk about the Crossrail signalling system.  Crossrail had blamed the signalling system for the delay in opening.  At that time they said it would be opening in late 2019.  Now, two years later, the opening is still about a year away.  What’s gone wrong?

On Tuesday 4 May Kevin will give a presention on “Crossrail and the Elizabeth Line”.  It will explain the signaling system and the current situation.  He’ll tell us what he knows about what has gone wrong, with signals, trains and stations.  Finally he’ll go into the plans for completing the railway and even for expanding it!

The talk will be in the normal Tuesday evening open slot at 7pm, the video call link is https://meet.google.com/opx-sbme-gur and all are welcome.

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