Using the Studio – 21 May at 8pm

This interactive presentation was on 21st May starting at 8pm.  It showed how to set up the Photo Studio to take some great portraits. It covered Lighting (picking the type, simple setups and controlling the light), backdrops, props, cameras, lenses and artistic effects. The presentation was open to […]

Every Tuesday 7-9 pm – Makerspace Free Open Evening

Do you know what happens in a makerspace? Drop in to Basingstoke Makerspace 7:30 pm EVERY Tuesday evening to find out. The scene above is from the  “Cold Night” we held pre COVID In the past we have … Made a garden chair   Had a pottery relay […]

Open Day – October 2019

Tea, coffee and cake – Open to all The Basingstoke MakerSpace Openday on Sat 19th October 2019 was where members showed off what they made over the last six months, They also demonstrated the available tools and were available to give advice.  

“Photographic Darkroom” Project – Monday 16th Sept 2019

Have you ever thought of setting up  a darkroom? Are you interested in the process involved in wet processing  film? Would you potentially find a darkroom and studio in Basingstoke useful?  If you are interested then come along and see what we are doing at the Makerspace this coming Monday evening.

Green Screen Workshop – 8pm Mon 20th May 2019

At our Photography Subgroup Meeting in May we held a workshop on Green screen techniques. The workshop consisted of a short talk on the history of the techniques, followed by a demonstration of OBS software and a live green screen systems with webcam. We then tried out lighting […]