Every Tuesday 7-9 pm – Makerspace Free Open Evening

Do you know what happens in a makerspace? Drop in to Basingstoke Makerspace 7:30 pm EVERY Tuesday evening to find out. The scene above is from the  “Cold Night” we held pre COVID In the past we have … Made a garden chair   Had a pottery relay […]

Nontransative Dice

This set of dice are “nontransative”.  In other words the red one beats the green, the blue one wins against the red and the green one defeats the blue. With this set of dice you can always have a 55% chance of winning.  First get your victim to […]

Open Day – October 2019

Tea, coffee and cake – Open to all The Basingstoke MakerSpace Openday on Sat 19th October 2019 was where members showed off what they made over the last six months, They also demonstrated the available tools and were available to give advice.  

Customised Cookies

We have created two new videos about customised cookie cutters.  These are available on YouTube (here and here).  In the first one Alex and Steve H briefly discuss making and using a customised cookie cutter. The second video is almost 15 minutes long and goes into much more […]

Drop in and see what we do ! Open day – Sat 18th May 2019

Basingstoke now has it's own Makerspace; a collaborative work space for making, learning, exploring and sharing . We are holding our "Saturday Open Day" from 10am-4pm on 18th May 2019. Join us!